Entrepreneurial Cognition

To understand entrepreneurial cognition first we must learn what cognition is. So let’s understand cognition then you can easily understand entrepreneurial cognition
Cognition refers to mental processes and thoughts. It includes decision making, judgment, problem solving, understanding language, imagination and remembering. All these aspects above combine to form the cognitive process. For example, some brands have a store in Islamabad and they want to open another branch in Islamabad so they have to make a decision about it. In this whole process, all thoughts that are involved are part of the cognitive process.
When we are doing some kind of work regularly then it becomes a part of our routine. When something becomes a part of our routine then we do these automatically and get used to it. However, it is also the cognitive process, when a person has to do something that is not part of their routine or face any tough challenges then they have to think about that. All of these that are mentioned are part of the cognitive process. Another example is writing about this topic and thinking how I can explain it in such a way, so that when someone reads it then they can easily understand the topic. This is also a part of the cognitive process.
Social Cognition Theory:
Social Cognition Theory means that we can improve our cognition by training. Training does not only include lecturing but also performing some actions.
Entrepreneurial Cognition:
To start a new business, there are following cognitive processes that we need which are judgements, decision involving, opportunity, evaluations, venture creation and growth.